JIB Membership Survey 2024 – share your thoughts on benefits and improvements

It’s almost time for the 2024 JIB Membership Survey, which offers a great opportunity for all members to give feedback. We encourage you to share your insights on the things you value most about your membership and any developments you would like to see.

In the 2023 survey, 89% of those who responded said the JIB makes them feel valued as a member and 77% considered JIB membership to be important to their business. Top reasons given for being a member were:

  • JIB membership being regarded as the mark of a quality employer
  • The guidance, advice and information on employment law
  • Access to the JIB Skills Development Fund
  • The benefits package, including the healthcare scheme.

Members also expressed a desire to see more promotion of the JIB and its members; regular updates on the industry and legislation; and greater engagement. In response, throughout 2024 we have:

  • Increased marketing activity to attract new companies into membership
  • Presented at key industry events to raise awareness of our work
  • Further developed the member toolkit to increase engagement and communicate benefits
  • Shared relevant news, updates and guidance via emails, social media and our website.

We also worked with regional committees on content relevant to local priorities and on tailored solutions to national issues. Following on from our successful event in Manchester in June, more activity is planned for 2025.

Roger Horne, Head of Membership at the JIB, said: “The knowledge members share through this survey is invaluable. By taking the time to tell us what we’re doing well – and the areas in which we could be performing stronger – you help to shape our strategy for the year ahead. Member engagement and promotion of the JIB were high priorities from last year’s feedback. We responded by working to raise our profile and to empower our members to promote benefits to their employees. We are keen to hear your ideas for how we can build on this in 2025.”

Look out for your emailed invitation to take part in this year’s survey – which will be sent out in the next few days.